Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

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Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

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Congregation Worldwide group

Blessed Sacrament News

Pastoral Visit to Rome, 2-9 November 2022

In the middle of 2020, Father John Thomas Lane SSS was appointed by the Superior General and his Council to serve on the newly-recreated SSS International Theological Commission (ITC). Other members are Joseph Binh SSS (Vietnam/General Council Secretary and Convener serving in Rome), Justin Chawkan SSS (Sri Lanka – newly-elected provincial and theologian/professor), Lino Emilio Diez Valladares SSS (Spain – parish priest and theologian), Noël Mayamba SSS (The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – director Eucharistic Center) and Philip Benzy Romician SSS (India/General Council Treasurer serving in Rome). After meeting six times on Zoom due to COVID, this was the first in-person meeting to work on a few projects. First, the Commission completed a survey for prayer in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and the practice of prayer in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. This survey will be something they do with our Associates and parishes; it will also be a workshop on Zoom and at the USA Eucharistic Congress on August 4-6, 2023, in Highland Heights (Cleveland), Ohio.

The main task that brought the members to Rome was for a Eucharistic Catechism project for our Eymardian family. The ITC hopes to have basic texts to serve the Eymardian Family and ensure they share a common language and theological ideal about the Eucharist.

Another aspect of the meeting was brainstorming for the 40th anniversary of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament’s Rule of Life (ROL), a constitutions-like document that inspires religious as followers in the footsteps of our founder, Saint Peter Julian Eymard.

[Pictured are: The International Theological Commission (ITC) – (left to right): Noel Mayamba, Lino Diez Valladares, Joseph Binh, John Thomas Lane, Justin Chawkan, and Philip Benzy Romician]

Read more in the Grapevine 2022-9 (pdf)

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