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Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

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Ecumenical Corner

The Vision of Vatican II Fundamental Principles

The Vision of Vatican II Fundamental Principles


The Vision of Vatican II: Its Fundamental Principles by Ormand Rush, Liturgical Press Academic, Collegeville, Minnesota, 2019, 600 pages.

A priest of the Diocese of Townsville Australia, a doctor from theology in Rome. He lectures at St. Paul’s Theological Australia University in Brisbane Campus. Ormond Rush is a priest of the diocese of Townsville, Australia. He lectures at Paul’s Theological Australia University, Brisbane Campus. The Document is a vision, an understanding of the Council of the 21st Ecumenical Council Vatican II is unique as a modern council announced by Pope John XXIII who wanted change, history with a language that is not written in canon law but in a language of the twenty centuries.

OR produced a vision, something the delegates of the Council were ready for modern times. Two delegates asked how they could handle over 70 drafts. One said it would have to be intra and extra and out) for the Church and the World                                                                 


Why Ormond Rush’s The Vision of Vatican II: Its Fundamental Principles

OR’s Prologue is very clear, how the principles will teach very much about the sixteen documents of Vatican  OR gives a Prologue which explains what they must teach both, e.g. The Council/ The Documents; the second is Pastoral/Doctrinal.

Catherine E. Clifford of St. Paul University, Otta Canada, ends with “This book will stand for years to come as point of reference for students of the council and its teaching.”

Why 48 principles?

The four years of working the sixteen documents required much debating with history, theology, philosophy, scripture and other thinking and teaching. The vision of Vatican II took a lot of persons to make the council. OC has Hermeneutical such as The Council/The Documents, Pastoral//Doctoral, Proclamation/Dialogue. There are Theo-Logical like Revelation/Faith, Christological/Pneumatologically, Mystery/Sacrament.  We come to understand them and know what Vatican II is all about.

It takes time and learning as we read these principles and what Vatican II is different principles and what the Church and Modern World can work together into documents that are debated over four years and brings together history theology, liturgy, scripture and many other intelligence and what God is giving the Church and the World.

Different Kinds of “Documents”

There are three kinds of the 16 documents, there are four Constitutions: On the Sacred Liturgy, On in Revelation, On the Church and Pastoral on the church in the Modern World. There are lesser documents called Decrees: As the People of God: On the Pastoral Office of Bishops in the Church, On the Ministry and Life of Priests, On the Up-to-Date -Renewal of Religious Life, On the Apostolate of Lay People, On Ecumenism, On the Catholic Easter Churches. The third group ae Declarations: Church in the World: On the Mass Media, On the Church’s Missionary Activity, On Christian Education, On Religious Liberty, On the Relation of the Church to Non-Chistian Religions.

Latin Words and Abbreviations

The documents of the Vatican II have Latin words and two abbreviations and they are used very much, for example: AG Ad Gentes Decree on the Church’s Missionary Activity, LG Lumen Gentium: Dogmatic Constitution on the Church. (Lumen Gentium is perhaps the most important of the 16 Constitution Documents; GS Gaudium et Spes, the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World is the longest and very important in the Constitution documents.)

What Do We Learn from The Book?

The Vatican II changed the Church and the Worldbecause it brought Scripture, history, ecumenism (i.e. bringing Catholic and Christian Churches and other religions). Laity were brought into the liturgy and Deacons were ordained as lay persons, married and members of dioceses. Bishops were working with the Pope as a synod and working more as a communion. Religious and Priests were trained according to the World requires.


OR has put together twin principles taken from the documents of Vatican II and words that having something to learn like it. Page notes quote the authors and titles, how they are like and different in the debate are made. There is much to be learned. It took more than 2000 delegates during four years with two months of making the Council. There is work during the year when work is done. Now after fifty years Vatican II continues to develop “after” the Council has done yet lives and helps to change a new world and a new Church.


Ernest Falardeau, SSS

Richfield, Ohio

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