Contact CEE
In addition to Life in the Eucharist, the Center for Eucharistic Evangelizing offers a variety of programs and resources centered on the Eucharist and eucharistic spirituality.
For information on books listed and the Communal Series [Way of the Cross and Eucharistic Holy Hour], please contact the Development Office at 440-449-2700 or email
Ongoing Formation Series
A Course of Study on the Life and Writings of Saint Peter Julian Eymard, the Apostle of the Eucharist
The Course of Study is a resource guide on Saint Peter Julian Eymard, his life, teaching, and key themes at the heart of his spiritual journey. The Course of Study develops twelve themes and consists of eighteen sessions, intended to be scheduled on a monthly basis. The format consists of readings, prayer, a teaching on the topic, small and large group discussion (sharing faith) based on prepared questions.
Click here for the Course of Study page
Counsels for the Spiritual Life
The Counsels for the Spiritual Life program is a series of twelve sessions. It covers themes drawn from a book of the same name that presents a collection of 92 chosen texts from the letters written by Saint Peter Julian Eymard published by the General Leadership of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament. They are taken from The Life and Letters of Saint Peter Julian Eymard translated by Catherine Marie Caron, SSS.
The selection and organization of these twelve sessions (about one and a half hours each) were developed to be one of several options for the ongoing formation of Associates of the Blessed Sacrament; in which participants would deepen their own understanding of concepts important to the Congregation founded and inspired by the founder Saint Peter Julian Eymard.
Click here for the Counsels for Spiritual Life program
The Manna Series
The Manna Series was conceived as a follow-up program for the ongoing formation of Life in the Eucharist teams and program graduates, as well as Associates of the Blessed Sacrament looking for ways to deepen their own eucharistic spirituality.
Available in three volumes:
I. Food for the Journey
II. Bread from Heaven
III. Hope in the Desert
Each volume contains twelve sessions. Each session is divided into two parts: a catechetical section and a prayer/worship section.
Individuals can find Manna beneficial for personal reflection, meditation, or prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
Click here for the Communal Series page for more information and order form.
The Way of the Cross Series
The Way of the Cross series by renowned biblical scholar Father Eugene LaVerdiere SSS, are based on Scripture accounts and are written especially for communal celebration. Each envision the passion narrative as expressed in its unique gospel setting and context.
The Way of the Cross series contains four booklets in English and Spanish for Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as well as two others in English only: Paul and The Way of the Cross by Hal Percy.
Eucharistic Holy Hour Series
Inspired by Saint Peter Julian Eymard and in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council we offer four Holy Hours arranged for communal celebration. Edited by renowned biblical scholar Father Eugene LaVerdiere SSS and written by some of the most noted spirituality authors of the Eymardian family these Holy Hours were written to promote meditation and contemplation focused on the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. They provide Biblical readings, reflection, dialogue prayer, and intercession.
Emmanuel Media offers media, newsletters, books and prayer service booklets focusing on the Eucharist and Saint Peter Julian Eymard.
View Emmanuel Media’s library of video productions presented by Blessed Sacrament priests and brothers and Associates of the Blessed Sacrament. The videos focus on Eucharistic spirituality and offer witness to living a Eucharistic life.