Today in Jesus’ final discourse, twice we hear, “The Holy Spirit will teach you everything and remind you of all I told you.” Jesus taught the message “God Loves You” in word (beatitudes, sermons, parables) and deed (feeding the hungry, healing the sick, raising the dead), and Jesus welds them all together as one: “Love one another as I have loved you.” Both these passages are preceded by Jesus saying, “Those who come after me will do even greater things.” (John 14:12)
In the centuries between Jesus walking the earth and today, numerous men and women lived Jesus’ messages and expressed them in their lives, and as a result, the Church recognizes them as saints. These people of God were normal individuals living lives nudged by grace.
God’s power is a gift of God’s grace. Grace was first released when God said, “Let there be light,” and is a sample of God’s “energy” that we connect with in adoration and prayer. (Recall Jesus’ surprise when touched by the woman with the hemorrhage, “Power went out from me.” Luke 8:46.)
Picture batteries (perhaps a poor comparison), sources of energy we use daily. Batteries are joined in parallel or in series (i.e. side by side or stacked on top of each other). Considering ourselves as batteries, (where two or more are gathered) we join with each other in God’s plan when we pray, “Thy will be done.” The saints participated in God’s action, and we can, too.
Embracing the Eucharist, we submit to God’s will. Through prayer, we participate in God’s healing action. We ARE the Body of Christ. We support each other and pray for each other.
As the Body of Christ, how can we collectively demonstrate to others a better way to love one another?
Let us pray
Holy Spirit, Jesus knew we needed you to understand the Father’s will. Jesus knows we need the spiritual nourishment of the Eucharist to join the heavenly choir in praising God and revealing God’s plan on earth. Teach us, guide us, and embrace us as we work together as your children, preparing for Christ’s return.