Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul
Today, we are celebrating the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul – the two great apostles who strengthened the faith of the early Church.
We all know that Saint Peter and Saint Paul had flaws and differences. Peter was rash and impulsive – we can certainly remember his triple denial of Jesus. Saint Paul was a brutal opponent of the new Christians before his conversion and had a fiery character.
Even their “fights” were recorded in the Acts of the Apostles. But despite their differences and shortcomings, Saints Peter and Paul were united in a common goal and mission. They had their differences, but their love for Jesus rose above their human weaknesses.
The lives of Saints Peter and Paul show us that God can choose the weak and imperfect persons to be the leaders of His Church. Because it is through these imperfect human instruments God shows the Church and the world that what is impossible for man is not for God.
Indeed, God calls us in our weakness. He puts his priceless treasure in our earthen vessels because He delights in doing the impossible with nothing.
Like Saints Peter and Paul, let us put aside our differences and open our hearts to God’s grace so that by our love and unity, we will proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Saint Peter Julian says: “Since I am bound by vocation to the service of the Person of our Lord, I owe him the homage of my whole self: my soul, my body, my strength, and all my actions…Jesus Eucharistic must be the center of my life, as he is the supreme law and the last end of my existence.” (Hervé Thibault SSS. Studies on the Origins of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, Volume III, page 26)
Loving Father, you are my strength and my courage. I humble myself before you, and I declare in my weakness you are strong. There is no other like You. Thank You for calling me in Your power and righteousness. I am enough because of You. Listen to my prayers; I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.