Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red

Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red
Eymard stained glass window

Daily Eucharistic Reflections

July 25, 2023

Feast of Saint James, Apostle

Most have been fortunate to have our mothers advocate for us. They teach us how to be of genuine service because of their witness. Then, they do even more for us, ensuring we receive the best day in and day out.

Christ reminds us today that we have accepted a difficult chalice. The challenges that come our way may be pretty difficult to swallow. Yet, we have a treasure, a gift of faith meant to be shared. We are not to give into despair or feel destroyed. We arise above our challenges and, like Saint James, are called to go to the ends of the earth (i.e., Santiago de Compostela, Spain) to fulfill our vocation, share the Good News, and be faithful witnesses of Christ.

Not only do we have our parents advocating for us, but the Holy Spirit is our chief one. The Spirit calls us to drink our chalices and go where we are needed boldly. With many Eucharistic communities still not having the opportunity to fulfill the command of Christ at the Mass, we realize those who can drink on behalf of the Body of Christ are suffering and shedding blood for Christ even still. Each day we drink for those who may not have freedom of religion, expression, or even the ability to wear a cross. In the travesties of war, we hear those who are having their churches destroyed and ministers slaughtered. Much blood is continuing to be shed still for the Body of Christ.

This is why we drink still: Filled with the love of Christ and his Body and Blood, the Spirit leads us to give our life, or as Eymard says, be that gift of ourselves for others. Then Christ will place us where we need to be, maybe not on either side of the Lord, but definitely in the spot where we are needed to be to share our gifts for the life of the world, where ever we might be in the world.


Loving God, who call us into service, help us share our gifts and treasures to bear much fruit for you. May we always be grateful for your care and teach us to bring justice for all. We thank you for the gift of our parents, who handed on the faith to us, teaching us to serve and not be served to drink and share in your passion through Christ our Lord.

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We are a Catholic religious congregation of priests, deacons and brothers whose mission is to share the riches of God’s love manifested in the Eucharist.

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