Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red

Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red
Eymard stained glass window

Daily Eucharistic Reflections

August 1, 2023

Memorial of Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

Our readings today speak of awe-inspiring encounters with God. The conversation/prayer tent and Christ taking the time to explain his parable in a conversation with his disciples gives us insights into how our God wishes to care for us and communicate with us. Moses’ fasting and forty days with the Lord led to a unique encounter and a deepening relationship. This Exodus account explains the fruits of Moses’ tent-time that produces the Ten Commandments.

We have our own encounters with the Lord in our own tents. Sometimes we are fortunate to have life’s mysteries unfold and explained – when we are open and ready! Too often, we want an answer immediately. Moses had forty days; the early disciples had Jesus there to explain; we have the Holy Spirit guiding us in due time. We remember that our ears must be prepared and ready to listen to God at different times in our life.

Alphonsus Liguori is known for many attributes, especially his moral compass. Through terrible health and a horrific ending to his life with much suffering, he never wavered from seeing how God “cleanses our soul.” Both as a lawyer and moral theologian, he realized that in his encounters with God’s voice, all is for God’s goodness. The ultimate goodness is taking up the cross and faithfully following the Father’s will. His writings, especially his popular Way of the Cross, are still quoted because of Liguori’s intense passion for writing as a musician, artist, poet, lawyer, and scholastic philosopher that Christ redeemed us for great glory.

May our time in the tent of our God helps us anew to experience the glory of God. May our renewal in the mercy and kindness of God strengthen us to be just as merciful to others. Who needs our mercy today?


Loving God, your mercy and kindness are never-ending, and you are always faithful to us. Guide us in your justice and abounding love, and graciously hear our prayers in your compassion so we may share these gifts with others, through Christ our Lord.


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