Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red

Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red
Eymard stained glass window

Daily Eucharistic Reflections

October 24, 2023

Saint Anthony Mary Claret founded a religious order with the mission of immediate service to distribute catechetical works. Many of us know the magazine US Catholic as one of their popular publications and media services. Saint Anthony and his religious congregation continue to use organizational gifts to improve lives and share the good news of the Gospel.

Saint Anthony Mary follows the psalm today, reminding us of our call to do God’s will. Also, reflecting on the Gospel and Eymard, we recall how he never missed an opportunity to be ready for the Lord and go to where he was needed in service for the Eucharistic mission. Being prepared with “lamps” is the wonderful call that we all live. Hoping for the Lord’s return, ready to see with our torch lamps lit, we manage and attempt to be prepared to serve when God calls us—Christianity’s theme: witness to the power of Christ in our life.

Paul’s letter to the Romans reminds us of all Christ did for our salvation. Today’s affirmation reminds us that our call must always be vigilant, ready to do what is needed, and they gladly say “yes” to the Lord’s service wherever it might take us. Whether we use the media like Saint Anthony Mary, bring communion to the sick like Eymard, or find our path and ways of service with our Eucharistic gifts, we are ready to serve today! (Tomorrow will be too late?)

Today’s A Year with Father Eymard – Day by Day sums up the importance in this way: “You accuse yourself very strongly of laziness: It is possible; of not being sufficiently generous in those things that God is asking of you … sacrifice those things which are unnecessary are useless for your personal use or suitable to your situation. Then you’ll find peace with yourself.”


In your loving care, O God, shower us with your love and mercy. Keep us vigilant and mindful of your service. Help us to share these blessings with our sisters and brothers until your Son returns in glory to renew the face of the earth through Christ our Lord.


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We are a Catholic religious congregation of priests, deacons and brothers whose mission is to share the riches of God’s love manifested in the Eucharist.

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