Memorial of Saints Timothy and Titus, bishops
At each Eucharist, we are invited to participate in two key actions: to be enveloped in a communion of fellow Christians around the table of the Lord and, nourished by the body and blood of Christ, “go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.” Community. Evangelization.
In listening to the Word of God proclaimed and preached, we, like a seed scattered on the land, pray that a deeper faith and commitment will sprout, grow, and yield abundant fruit. In participating in the paschal mystery of the Lord broken and shared, we each strive to become what we eat, thus dwelling in the branches of and scattering ourselves
as seeds of the Kingdom of God.
Today, we celebrate two of the most loyal followers of Saint Paul: Timothy and Titus. They were tasked with building the communities they were sent to and teaching the Gospel of the Lord as Paul had done in the towns where he met these future collaborators.
On many of the letters Father Peter Julian Eymard wrote, he would put A.R.T. at the top of the letter (the way many of us put A.M.D.G. [All for the honor and glory of God!] at the
top of our tests and homework). It stands for Adveniat Regnum Tuum – “May your Kingdom come.” Indeed, the coming of the kingdom of God was a vital mission priority for Father Eymard. He longed to bring about the beautiful kingdom of Jesus Christ on earth!
Father Eymard also came to see the Eucharist as the way to love and unity. As Saint Paul did, he longed for all Christians to form “one single body.” For as the sacrament of unity, the Eucharist holds out the promise of planting seeds of faith, reconciliation, justice, and peace.
Let Us Pray:
Lord Jesus, your kingdom is right among us, hidden, yet nearby: in persons to love and live and die for. May we find you in one another and the people we serve so that your Eucharistic kingdom will come.