Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red

Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red
Eymard stained glass window

Daily Eucharistic Reflections

May 7, 2024

How do we believe in something we cannot see? Why do we have the faith to know, believe, and trust in Christ and are saved, and others don’t yet get it or see it?

Easter Time assists us with the feeling, the belief, and the reality that Christ died to save us and, through his continued Risen Presence, especially manifested in the Eucharist, is present to lead and guide us still.

A few years back, a cereal commercial struck a chord to sell a product. The family had just lost a loved one, the little boy’s grandmother. He wanted to eat her cereal so that he would feel her presence and that he was still eating with Grandma.

This was the perfect selling point for me, but also for why we gather and remember what Christ has done for us. We are challenged to “sell” this special “gift of self” that Easter Time and Eucharist after Eucharist recalls the offer: The Lord gathered his disciples to eat with them for an everlasting breakfast cereal – the Supper of the Lord – to remind us of his enduring presence. Our hearts are filled with grief and other emotions; eating and drinking with Christ offers us an everlasting memorial, keeping us connected to the one who saves us.

It hurts us that our family members choose not to eat with us around the Table of the Lord. Breakfast habits are constantly changing. Perhaps, again, we remind our family members of the salvation from our Eucharistic tables, and maybe their diet could be renewed. Possibly, we see Christ calling us, as disciples now, to be the Advocate for table fellowship and strengthen their Gospel living that comes from the great breakfast gift that reminds us “God is with us.”


O God, you provide food and drink for the journey of faith. May we always be animated by your love from this taste of heaven. May our joy pour into others a reflection of your goodness and care. May we serve you and our family members with your gift of salvation and strengthen our relationship to nurture your life. Through Christ our Lord.


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We are a Catholic religious congregation of priests, deacons and brothers whose mission is to share the riches of God’s love manifested in the Eucharist.

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