Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church
Hail Mary!
Mary, the Mother of Jesus, held a special place in the life of Saint Peter Julian Eymard. When his mother died, he adopted the Blessed Virgin as his mother and principal guide throughout his whole life. When he received his first Holy Communion he became aware of her presence and the multitude of graces he was given through her. When he petitioned her assistance, his prayers seemed to be answered. Mary is credited for leading him to become a priest.
Today, we celebrate the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary. No one person has ever received more graces than this holy woman. She answered, “Yes” to the angel when told she was to give birth to the son of God. We wonder what her expectations were during his formative years. Three of my favorite questions to ask Mary about Jesus are “Did you see him with a distant look on his face as if he was listening to someone you could not hear?”, “Did you ever think that the God to whom you were praying was asleep under your roof?”, and “Did he ever wake up afraid?”
Mary faced many difficult days as the Mother of Jesus. Imagine how she wept while standing at the foot of the cross, seeing his body scourged, crowned, and nailed to the wood? She bore all the trials of motherhood, one holy moment at a time because she knew his mission and her part in his life. She certainly prayed for him, loved him, and supported him during his ministry. By becoming his disciple, she accepts us and welcomes us into her heart. Certainly, she intercedes for us with our petitions to Jesus.
How often do you remember that Mary is the mother of us all throughout our lives leading us to her Son who is our way, our truth, and our life?
Let us pray:
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, we let ourselves be guided by the Spirit so that, docile to his action, we may contribute effectively to the coming of the Kingdom. (Rule of Life for Associates of the Blessed Sacrament #11) Guide us Mary as we seek to imitate your fidelity in following our call. Amen.