Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

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Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

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Congregation Worldwide group

Blessed Sacrament News

Northeast Ohio Celebrations for Our Jubilarian Priests / Vicar for Clergy Makes Pastoral Visit to Our Community

Northeast Ohio Celebrations for Our Jubilarian Priests

Three of our well-known priests celebrated their anniversaries of being ordained priests this past week. On May 17, Father Norman Pelletier SSS, celebrated 55 years of ordination. On May 23, Fathers Paul Bernier SSS and William (Bill) Young SSS celebrated 60 years of ordination. For our “60-year-olds,” we had a special celebration first at Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic Church (SPB), Highland Heights, Ohio, amid the parish’s annual festival in honor of the patron saint, Paschal Baylon. Principal celebrant Father Paul also preached the homily for the Mass and, being solemnity of Pentecost, highlighted how the Holy Spirit had worked in his life in three significant ways. Father Bill had the pleasure of his sister, Kathleen, joining him for a week of sightseeing in northeast Ohio. After the Mass, all were invited outside under the big tent to enjoy the festival and the special cake that the Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Ladies Guild provided with drinks.

Photo above: (left to right) Father William Young SSS, Father Paul Bernier SSS and Father Norman Pelletier SSS

Vicar for Clergy Makes Pastoral Visit to Our Community

This week, our Highland Heights Community received a pastoral visit from the diocesan priest Father Joseph Mamich, the Vicar for Clergy and Religious. He is new to this ministry for the Diocese of Cleveland and came for an afternoon and evening social/dinner time to learn about the ministry of the community, especially our current ministries with Saint Ann Shrine (Father Roger Bourgeois, chaplain), SPB parish (with Fathers Lane and Choy the lead clergy) Hillcrest Hospital (where Father Joseph Kiet Nguyen is chaplain), and our outreach parishes in Wickliffe and Willoughby (where Father Rosario Pushparaj serves as Parochial Vicar). He also met the other community members during social time and dinner and learned of their ministries.

Father Joe Mamich visits us, left to right are Father Juancho Ramos, Father Joseph Kiet Nguyen, Father Mamich, Brother Joseph Kiet Vu and Father Norman Pelletier


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