Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red

Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red
Eymard stained glass window

Daily Eucharistic Reflections

June 3, 2024

The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.

In today’s gospel, Jesus tells a parable with a violent twist. Of course, we now know what the Israelites would soon witness — Jesus is the cornerstone that was rejected and ultimately killed. Unlike the landowner’s son, Jesus’ death was not rendered without opportunity for redemption. How often do we reject his presence in our daily lives and follow our selfish desires?

This past Saturday, San Antonio celebrated its annual Feast of Corpus Christi procession, honoring the real presence of the body (corpus) of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. The clergy, religious, and laity gathered together as we, the visible Body of Christ, emanated from evening Mass and joyously processed through downtown San Antonio. Each year, the Feast of Corpus Christi procession displays a growing prominence in the heart of our city, adorned with aisles of rose petals laid down before Jesus lifted high for all to witness, contemplate, and adore. This is how the tenants should have received the landowner’s son and servants — with reverence, joy, and affection.

Amid life’s mysteries and struggles, God is forging something new and extraordinary in us. Through his beloved son, he has given us grace and authority to live in the full power of the Holy Spirit and honor God’s commitment to us.

Will we rise to the task and lead faithful, Eucharistic lives united entirely with the Body of Christ?

Let Us Pray:

Come, Holy Spirit, come. Dwell in us, in our families, our homes, and our hearts. Let the Holy Spirit guide our thoughts, words, and steps in a way that pleases the Lord and provides abundant, abiding peace. Inspire and empower us to live in your glorious light until you come again. Jesus, we trust in you.


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We are a Catholic religious congregation of priests, deacons and brothers whose mission is to share the riches of God’s love manifested in the Eucharist.

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