Some time ago, a young man I have been mentoring over the years shared some struggles with his prayer life. He said, “Sometimes I feel God is really speaking harshly with me.” We talked more about this, and I sensed that he was really fearing that God was being very “judgmental” of him – harshly judgmental.
For some reason, this story about Elijah – one of my favorites in the Old Testament – came to mind. So we got a bible and read it together. The LORD came to Elijah with a message to stand outside the cave and that “the LORD will pass by.” But the LORD was not in the heavy wind, nor the earthquake, nor in the fire. Indeed, the LORD was in a “tiny whispering sound.”
It was clear to me that my young friend, like many of us, was carrying some burden, wound, negative internal message, fear, baggage from the past, or a mix of all of them.
As discussed, I also referenced a favorite line of mine from the book TATTOOS ON THE HEART by Father Greg Boyle SJ. (He and his team of ministers serve gangs in East LA) He writes, “In our ministry, we try to model not the ‘one-false-move God, but the ‘no-matter-whatness’ of God.” This, in turn, reminded me of a theme Father Peter Julian Eymard would often impress upon those whom he counseled, expressed beautifully to Mrs. d’Andigne: “He loves you as if you were his only daughter” (March 4, 1865).
We celebrate this belief at every Mass when we remember how Jesus laid down his life for his friends (John 15:13). May this message also ground our prayer today.
Let Us Pray:
LORD, I long to see your face. You of whom my heart speaks. And out of the bounty of your love, may I show your face to all I encounter this day. Amen. (Based on today’s Responsorial Psalm)