Elijah did everything the Lord asked of him. He defeated the prophets of Baal, escaped from Jezebel, and hid in the cave on Mt. Horeb. He anointed those he was instructed to and took Elisha to follow him as his successor. Elijah always answered yes to what was asked of him, although at times not too enthusiastically. Elisha also accepted the call of the Lord. Faith in the Lord enabled their response. Do we have that kind of faith?
Jesus encourages us to refrain from taking an oath, swearing by heaven, earth, or the Lord’s name when we are called to give account. He tells us to say yes or no. Let yes mean yes, and no mean no. No wiggle room, escape clause, or hedged response is allowed, just yes or no. But can we follow such simple rules? Do we follow the Lord’s command or say “yes, but” or “yes, if”? How about” no, because” or a “no, I don’t think so.” Jesus did not offer those choices, just a simple yes or no. Key answers to give when asked questions about our faith, such as “Do I believe in the true presence?” or “Do I believe everything in the Nicene creed?” as recited at every Sunday mass. Do we even think about what we are saying or recite from memory?
We do so many things in our faith automatically, not thinking about what we may be saying by our actions. Eucharistic bread and wine are indeed the body and blood of Christ. The Amen we respond to is a “yes, I believe.” Do we think about what we say? Elijah, Elisha, the Apostles, and Saint Peter Julian Eymard said yes to the call of service to the Lord.
Can we do anything less when called to serve or called to the Table?
Lord, open our hands and hearts to serve you with an enthusiastic yes. Guide us in all our endeavors to share your love and gifts with others. Help us to be like Elijah and Elisha, ready to follow where you lead. We ask this in Christ’s name. Amen.