“Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
This seems to have been a frequent accusation by the Pharisees against Jesus. We might consider it petty, but it has logic and merit. If we associate with sinners, we seem to validate their way of life and their choices. The same is true today, even within the Church. When we can ban certain people from communion because of their position on several hot-button issues, such as abortion, are we not judging the same way the Pharisees did?
Why did Jesus invite these accusations? Perhaps the answer is given in Luke’s chapter 15. There, Jesus follows the criticism of his fraternizing with sinners with three parables of mercy: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost sons. Jesus often taught in many ways that our God is a god of compassion and love. Jesus ate frequently with his disciples, even though many would betray him in various ways, even abandoning him in his hour of greatest need.
And Jesus does the same for us today. At every Mass, we are invited to join Jesus at his table, to hear his word, and be fed with his very body and blood. Is it not the kindness of Jesus in our regard that enables and inspires us to continually reform our lives to make them more pleasing to the One who has given his life for us? Jesus did not die to atone for our sins but to demonstrate how we could live lives of thanksgiving and gratitude for all he does for us.
Do I judge others on their worthiness (or unworthiness), or rather judge whether I am living in a way responsive to the love shown to me by God?
Let Us Pray:
O loving Jesus, the only one I can judge is myself. Help me become more and more worthy of the kindness you show me daily.