Memorial of Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus
Today’s choice is the Memorial of Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, as we find them in the gospel of Mathew (11:19-27). Unfortunately, these verses are merely a brief glimpse into a much more elaborate story that is also contained in Saint Luke’s gospel.
For our meditation, let us plunge directly into the theme of this short account: death. All of us have had some experience having to face death in its all too frequent occurrences. Many of us have had to struggle with the loss of a parent (or parents), a child, siblings, other family members, neighbors, friends, and so many of our other beloved. Sometimes, the pain is unbearable. Most of the time, we have difficulty accepting the harsh reality or even the seemingly unfairness of our situation.
Who do we identify with in this gospel story? The (for a change) friendly Jews who have come to console Martha and Mary at the loss of their brother, Lazarus, whom we can assume they also loved. Like Mary, we might close in on ourselves with guilt, self-pity, genuine and unbelievable shock or remorse. We might also, like Martha, turn in prayer to God to argue that none of this is fair. IF only God had answered my prayers, our prayers.
Rereading this gospel in a meditative manner can be beneficial for our spiritual journey and growth. We understand that God, Jesus, is always by our side, but sometimes, that presence is never enough, as Martha was trying to share with Jesus. Yet, Mary appears to have taken the time to absorb her pain and loss fully. Let us pray that Martha and Mary accompany us in our daily “dyings” and remember Lazarus, who will soon rise from his (our) tombs.
Lord, we ask you to increase our faith in your promise of resurrection. May Mary, Martha, and Lazarus enable us to see beyond our pain to trust and hope. Amen.