Is there nothing better than when someone close, a client, a neighbor, or even a casual friend you bump into has good news to share? Something in life elicits such joy, such a feeling of gratitude, a “Thank you, Jesus!” or an Eymardian “May God Be Praised!”
What good news are you praying for today? What would touch your heart, move you to tears, or celebrate with a feast, give you goosebumps? All of the above?
In today’s first reading, the prophet Nahum announces good news to a nation that has been persecuted and oppressed. Historically and sadly, this will continue. But Nahum has a vision of a peace that the Lord will bring. “Celebrate your feasts,” he urges; “fulfill your vows.” It will be safe to practice your faith openly and safely. There is hope.
At every Mass I have attended over the last couple of years – Sunday or daily – there is at least one Prayer of the Faithful for peace: in all the war zones throughout our world, on our urban streets, in our own country, and Church; even within many of our families. We hope and pray for a temporary truce in which two enemies discover their common humanity and there’s a mutually respectful conversation on politics or some theological difference.
At each Mass, we pray for the grace to “forgive those who trespass against us.” Then our celebrant prays that the Lord “graciously grant her (the Church) peace and unity in accordance with your will” and that this peace of Christ will fill our hearts, families, Church, communities, and world. Then we receive the Body and Blood of the Lord of peace.
How might we be that peace someone near is hoping and praying for today?
Let Us Pray:
Lord, fill us with your peace, that we might be instruments of your peace, your peacemakers – your children.