Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red

Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red
Eymard stained glass window

Daily Eucharistic Reflections

August 12, 2024

One-liners, like today’s Alleluia verse, can easily be incompletely understood.  Putting them into context in our lives requires reviewing chapter 2 of Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians.  Then we realize why today’s reading is examined: choices (behaviors) have consequences.  The chosen people, over and over, chose not to follow the messages of God’s prophets.  The reading from Ezekiel becomes another reminder encouraging us to choose Jesus’ path, viewed as encouragement to be true to the Eucharist and the Holy Spirit dwelling within us.

Matthew’s passage reveals that Jesus is fully aware of and confirms his mission to be the sacrificial lamb.  His followers don’t realize that he is also encouraging them to discern their path to walk.  There is also a touch of dry humor when Jesus sends Simon to catch a fish, showing how the Father provides everything as Jesus fulfills conventional laws. In all that Jesus does, he gives us stepping stones to follow.

We embrace the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ, receiving nourishment for our purpose and guidance for our intent.  In the Eucharist, we embrace the fulfillment of our redemption, walking in faith even if we feel overwhelmed.  In embracing joy, we begin to share the Good News more by action and our presence, less by words.  While we may feel discouraged occasionally, we become more sensitive to the “consequences of our behaviors.”  Thus, we become more alert to Paul’s one-liner, “God (the Father and Holy Spirit) has called you through the Gospel to possess the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Let us pray:

God, Creator of the Universe, I am realizing that you love me, that I am chosen, being given the opportunity to first and foremost rejoice in your love for me and to respond with my love for you.  I am a child of your creation, learning to play in your presence with all your gifts spread before me.  As I grow, basking in your love, I am learning that these gifts are meant to be experienced, rejoiced in, and shared, and in doing so, I actually do your will.  The wonder and joy I feel is a gift you want me to be to others.   Thank you.


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