21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
We experience moments of truth throughout our lives. Is it a boy or a girl? Will I get the job or promotion I have worked so hard for? Am I or my loved one in remission? Will I stay or will I go? Some moments are joy-filled, and others are hard to understand, much less accept.
Over the last weeks, we have heard John’s gospel, beginning with the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish and culminating with the Bread of Life Discourse. Jesus has spent countless hours feeding the crowds, and disciples, teaching and nourishing, and modeling the compassion and mercy of God the Father. It is a decisive moment for the disciples, not Jesus. Jesus’ words have angered the Jews. There is murmuring among others and difficulty accepting what Jesus has said. I am the bread of life. If you eat my flesh and drink my blood, I will raise him on the last day. Is Jesus speaking truth, or is he crazy? The gospel states that many of the disciples returned to their homes. It was all too hard to accept.
Our faith journey is not always traveled on the smoothest of roads. The road may get bumpy, difficult to understand, and challenging to accept the many ups, downs, twists, and turns. We find comfort and strength in the Eucharist, not just in the bread we eat and the blood we drink, but in the countless men and women of faith who guide, inspire, and, like the twelve Apostles, who stayed, travel with us on our journey.
Today is a decisive moment. Will you stay or will you go?
Let Us Pray:
Gracious God, lover of all, in the Eucharist, we are one family in Christ your Son, one in the sharing of his body and blood and one in communion with his Spirit: help us to grow in love for one another and like Simon Peter proclaim, Master to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life; we believe that you are the Holy One of God. Amen.