Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red

Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red
Eymard stained glass window

Daily Eucharistic Reflections

October 3, 2024

Something about my maternal grandfather, Marcelino, always stood out to me. Marcelino made it a point to pray daily and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit, who helped him understand his daily mission. He would pray at the table, discern his path, put on his hat, and then head out to fulfill his duties. He did not dwell much on how to accomplish what he needed to do, for he was a competent man. Instead, he believed God would provide a way if anything were missing.

I admired this unwavering faith in him. His steadfast trust in God and commitment to fulfilling his responsibilities are a great example.

One time, while at the table, my grandfather was meditating when he suddenly stood up and called out to my grandmother, “Rafaela, bring me my hat. I need to see a friend who urgently needs my help.” His car refused to start, so he started walking down the country road. There were no complaints, sighs, frustration, or hesitation. The mission could not wait, so he walked. Within minutes, someone drove by, saw him, and gave him a lift. Help arrived when it was needed.

Christ sent his apostles to spread his message of love and mercy, instructing them to go without relying on material support. Help would come as needed. Christ’s message for them, as it is for us now, is to have faith and be diligent. We are not alone, and our work in his name will be rewarded.

Let us trust the One who loves us as the apostles and Marcelino did. From the Eucharist, we are sent, receiving our mission of love and mercy anew. May we grow to embody our faith in action.

Let us Pray:

Lord, you have sent us to live and share your Eucharistic love with all. Help us to discern our daily missions, that we may become your hands and feet in the world, and that your love and mercy may take root in the hearts of your faithful. Amen.



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We are a Catholic religious congregation of priests, deacons and brothers whose mission is to share the riches of God’s love manifested in the Eucharist.

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