Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red

Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red
Eymard stained glass window

Daily Eucharistic Reflections

October 5, 2024

Memorial of Saint Faustina Kowalska, virgin

I don’t remember when I first read St. Faustina’s Diary, but I remember how it touched my soul. Reading about her natural yet supernatural conversations with Jesus kindled my hope. Perhaps I could learn to trust in God. Reading about her experiences with illness gave me the courage to face my own. Saint Faustina became for me a teacher, a friend in Heaven, someone who I know is praying for me and cheering me on.

“The Diary of [Saint Maria] Faustina is the record of her life experience—the journey of her soul. She was graced by a special communion with God, and the Diary expresses her conviction that this communion ought to be the center of our lives.” (Very Rev. Richard J. Drabik, MIC Provincial Superior, Preface of the 2014 English edition of the Diary, Divine Mercy in My Soul)

“Since early this morning, my soul has been touched by God. After Holy Communion, I communed for a while with the heavenly Father. My soul was drawn into the glowing center of love.” (St. Faustina, Diary #1121)

“May Jesus be your divine center: that is my whole wish for you; a total and all-embracing center – that is, the source of your thoughts and desires, the impulse of your actions, the basis of your love, the measure of your sacrifices. How I would like to see you find your life in God!” (Saint Peter Julian Eymard, CO 2092)

The Apostle of Divine Mercy, the Apostle of the Eucharist, and every saint in Heaven echo the same message.

“Love our good Master because he is gracious and because he has a great love for you, because he created you through love, guided you in love, and promised forever the mercy of his love.” (Saint Peter Julian Eymard, CO 1434)

Let us pray:

Lord, we praise you in your Saints; may we be docile and receptive to always learn from them. Amen.


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