We are the circumcision, we who worship through the Spirit of God, who boast in Christ Jesus and do not put our confidence in flesh, although I myself have grounds for confidence even in the flesh. (Philippians 3:3-4)
As I write this, my last remaining Grandmother is descending into her eternal rest, soon to pass from this world, and I can assure you that she has lived her life boasting in Christ Jesus’ love and mercy and using her body to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. She did this in words and action. She was a nurse and a deeply Eucharistic person. Grandma Gina worked with those in hospice, the ones who were soon to die, and she believed that united to Christ Eucharistic, she could effect change in the lives of those suffering.
I remember these words from my parents and grandparents, “When you encounter someone in need, you must help if you are able within your limitations. It is not truly optional.”
I want to think I learned these lessons well. I pray for all of us that we may “boast in Christ Jesus…” but “have grounds of confidence even in the flesh,” that we may live what we believe, that we may “leave the ninety-nine in the desert,” the ones we have loved and cared for when the need arose, “and go after the lost one until He finds it.”
Today, we have the opportunity to be the hands of the Good Shepherd. Let us embrace our Eucharistic lives and bring Christ to those most needing love, compassion, companionship, understanding, and encouragement. After we have finished our earthly lives, may we hear from our Lord: “Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep.”
Let us Pray:
Lord, you have sent us to live and share your Eucharistic love with all. Help us to live our lives at the ready, to share your love and compassion with those less fortunate, that your name be adored and glorified for eternity. Amen.