32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
The jar of flour shall not go empty, nor the jug of oil run dry.
The simple request of Elijah for a small cupful of water and a bit of bread led the widow to a great act of trust. Instead of using her last bit of resources for her and her son, she trusted in God’s promise of abundance and provided hospitality to the holy man at her door. Her response is a powerful example of how trust in God’s abundance can lead to unexpected blessings.
Similarly, the widow in the gospel story gives what little she has to the Lord. Her generosity, giving from her poverty, is a testament to the power of selfless giving. Jesus does not miss the depth of her faith and trust and praises her for her extraordinary generosity, exceeding those who gave much more from their surplus.
What challenge is placed before us today? Are we willing to give with the same faith and trust in a God of abundance that promises the jar and the jug will not go empty?
Our call to stewardship asks that we give our time, our talent, and our treasure for the building up of our Church, our human family, and our world. So many hungry and hurting people come before us, asking for something to eat or a place of safety. We hear the cries of those caught up in the wars raging in our world and those whose lives have been devastated by natural disasters. Are we willing to give them what they need or ask them to wait until we have something left over when all our needs and wants are filled?
Christ gave of himself completely so that we might have life. He gives his gift of himself to us in each Eucharist. May we follow Him by giving our gift to others.
Let us pray:
God of abundance, help us to trust that there are enough resources in our world to provide for the needs of our human family. May the Spirit enable us to provide what others need from the gifts you have given us. Increase our faith and our generosity. Amen.