Memorial of Saint Catherine of Alexandria
As the author of Daily Reflections for the 4th Monday of the month, I wrote a reflection for October 28, my birthday, and I am now writing a reflection for November 25, the date of my Baptism. I was born and baptized in 1945 when it was customary to christen babies within a month of their birth. The readings and prayers for both feasts have special significance for me, a Christian whose primary calling as priest, prophet, and king is to spread the Good News of salvation, as Saint Jude and Saint Catherine of Alexandria did through their teaching and martyrdom.
Our committed discipleship is a kind of white martyrdom: no blood is shed, but we make love of others our primary commitment. In Morning Prayer today, we speak of our love of God, “which we render … in worship and in service to all whom [the Father] redeems in Jesus Christ.” In today’s Gospel, we watch the poor widow deposit two small coins, all she has, into the temple treasury. Our Lord praises her for giving so much, “her whole livelihood,” as part of her mission of worship, love, and service. What is the “whole livelihood” that I should give in service of the Lord?
Could we consider spending more time every day in prayer and praise and in giving our love and service to the people around us? As Thanksgiving Day approaches, we might reflect on what we have to be thankful for this year and commit ourselves to giving more than we receive at Thanksgiving. God bless us, everyone, during this special time of celebration and love.
Dear Lord, you bestowed a crown among the saints on the blessed Catherine of Alexandria. Grant, we pray, through the power of the Eucharist, that we can overcome every evil and attain the glory of heaven. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.