Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

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Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red

Associates News

New Parochial Vicar, Father Louis Demba Ndione SSS / Highlights from the 2024 Eymard Pilgrimage

A note from our new Parochial Vicar, Father Louis Demba Ndione SSS

I am glad to share these few lines as a short bio of my life journey. I am Louis Demba Ndione, born on December 3, 1988, in a village called Fande ne in Thies in Se ne gal. I wanted to become a priest from a young age, but I was only a small boy passionate about football (American soccer) and music.


Highlights from the 2024 Eymard Pilgrimage

Twenty-one pilgrims gathered from Northeast Ohio, the New York region, Houston, and the Diocese of Saint Petersburg to meet at JFK International Airport and begin a holy journey from November 5 – 17. …Associates of the Blessed Sacrament on the hinge of the 160th anniversary of the institute, members from our Blessed Sacrament Community (SSS) parishes, and four folks just seeing our adventure on our province website came together to be pilgrims who would deepen their faith and learn more about the life of our holy founder and his association with other holy women and men across France.

Along the way, we marveled at the simple but moving ways Eymard interacted with his culture and people of his day. Today, the good people that we encounter demonstrate their love for our founder and how, even today, French hospitality continues to celebrate the story of Eymard and the Eucharist. It is a story of worship, service, and outreach to those most in need, followed by deep prayer that leads to more action/service. Saint Eymard’s life touches folks today; miracles are celebrated daily around the Table of the Lord.

Photos: TOP – Father Louis with USA Provincial Superior, Father John Thomas Lane SSS. Father Louis moved to the USA on October 20; BOTTOM – Pilgrims at the hill of Saint Romans
See also the newsletter [link below] for some of the Eymard Pilgrimage Photo Gallery

Articles continue – Read more in Grapevine 2024-26 pdf

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