On our third day of Advent, we remember new births and dawns and being pilgrims of hope and God’s promise never to leave us. Isaiah paints a picture for Israel of a better life that will come when they, like that tree stump, grow toward God’s vision out of the dormancy of their souls. God reverses and gives great promise to us, even when we may think that our stump is dead.
Each Advent, we get another push in our spirited journey toward that mountain top. We are part of the process of bringing God’s justice to birth. We are to be the ones who sit with the lion or lamb, kid or leopard. Why? The Holy Spirit rests upon us, giving wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and grace. God’s holy mountain has room for everyone. Isaiah exhorts us to climb! Arise to the challenges; they will help you draw close to God and bring about God’s justice.
We can see glimpses of that mountaintop in our world if we see the Holy Spirit at work. Christ told the disciples to buy a pair of God’s glasses and vision to see the remarkable.
Each Eucharist, we have the promise to return to our world and climb. We are called to nurture the sprout of our faith and hope to have God’s justice flourish and thrive. The bloom must not be squandered; we support and rescue those most in need.
Each Advent, just as at each Eucharist, we pray for “thy kingdom come.” In the embolism of the Mass (after the Lord’s Prayer and our acclamation), we hear the words of the celebrant say, “to be delivered from evil … as we wait in joyful hope for the [final] coming of Jesus Christ.” Let’s keep climbing and build this peaceable kingdom. New life is springing in us again; let’s not waste this sprout.
O God of hope and promise, we call upon your grace and guidance to renew the face of the earth with your justice and care. Support our efforts of renewal in our lives so that moved by changed hearts and renewed spirit, our lives may build a community of love, hope, unity and peace that flourishes until your Christ’s coming in glory, through Christ our Lord.