Teach me your ways!
Teachers! Important people in our lives!. First are our parents, then school for most of us. I was blessed with some additional people who taught me to dance, to swim, to play the piano, to speak clearly. Today, I’ll listen to David, the author of the Responsorial Psalm, who cries out to the Lord to teach him his saving ways.
Without the Lord’s guidance, we will not find our way home to him. Like listening to the radio, we switch stations until we find what we want to hear. On our road to God’s reward, we tune in to what he has promised. We must listen to his words of wisdom giving us directions to avoid difficulties and failings. God has said that he will not remember our sins but will, in his divine compassion, remember us as steadfastly faithful students listening to his teachings. Because of his goodness and love, we find the path we seek. It’s like a GPS from our heavenly Father. He humbles us and shows us the way.
Throughout our lives, we have depended on those who have taught us and assisted us in our meanderings. Most importantly, we must learn to depend on God who is kindness personified. Without his loving forgiveness, we become confused, take the wrong turns, and become lost. Then, like the lost sheep, he finds us again and sets us on the straight and narrow way back to him. Then, we renew our dependence on God and reach for him as he shows all sinners the right way home.
Our lives are a journey home made up of many steps. When we trip or choose sinful ways, who is there to help us, to set us upright and ready for tomorrow? Will you be listening for his voice, longing for his reward?
Let us pray:
We seek your mercy and love, dear Lord. You have shown us that you are good and upright. When we find ourselves in trouble, we pray to you, who loves us more than any other. We trust that you, because of your compassionate gifts of deliverance and guidance, will show us our path home. There is no other way but your way. You alone can give us the direction and protection we seek. Amen.