As our journey through Advent continues, we are reminded today of the many mysteries God has in store for us: messages and acts that cannot be understood by the human mind but can only be accepted through unqualified faith. For Manoah’s wife, an angel appeared with the news that although thought to be barren, she would conceive a child who would be blessed with the Spirit stirring in him. For Elizabeth, too, again thought to be barren, an angel appeared to Zechariah announcing that his wife would bear a son who would bring joy and gladness and prepare the way for the coming of the world’s Savior – Jesus Christ.
In our modern communications world filled with spontaneous texting and instant gratifications, maybe we are not available to respond to the many angels that appear to us, bringing us good news to fill us with joy and gladness. Yet they surround us; sometimes they present as a good friend comforting us in an hour of grief, other times as a complete stranger allowing us to enter traffic during rush hour. Our angels encircle us with God’s blessings to guide us on our journey through life. We only need to be available to recognize, accept, and appreciate them. We don’t need always to understand.
The consecrated mystery of our Eucharist celebration is also beyond our human understanding. It requires a complete surrendering of rationality to the love and grace of God to encounter Christ, who nourishes us on our journey toward eternal life. Our angels accompany us as we give glory, thank, offer atonement for our sins, and petition our God in this holy sacrament. May we trust our angels and God to bless and guide us on our journey.
“Save us, Savior of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free.” (a Eucharistic acclamation)