Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red

Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red
Eymard stained glass window

Daily Eucharistic Reflections

December 31, 2024

The Church’s way of thinking is so different than our culture. While the church has us prepare for a season by giving us ample time and preparation with Advent or Lent, it then gives us octaves to continue celebrating for days. While most have removed their Christmas decorations, the church continues to celebrate. Why do we hold fast to our different calendars? As some say, why won’t the church update to the modern ways? Because it can’t! The incarnation, Christ coming as a baby, and this mystery of God being one with us as human beings need celebrating for days.

Many cultures celebrate weddings or other events for days! Think of a milestone birthday, the Olympics, or any other “event.” This event, with the “Word made flesh and dwelling among us,” needs pondering and continued adoration, praise, glory, and thanksgiving. Each day of this three-week Christmas season offers us a chance to remain in the mystery and recognize its importance in our lives.

Christ saved us because the Holy Trinity joined with us in this truth: God loved us and sent us his Son to show us how close God is to us! Not a God far from human activity, but one who suffers, lives, and heals to build the reign of God among us in this world. God created us to be a family dedicated to living God’s ways and being the light to dispel the darkness of sin. In a conflicted world, we are the clarity, dedicated to the brightness of that light forever.

Let’s end the calendar thinking of God’s time of glory that is still dawning, through us! We are living the mystery now, the flesh that shows and testifies to the truth. Glory to God in the highest and peace to all on earth!


We still attend to your manager, O Christ! It is where we see you come to feed and nourish a hungry people, hungry for freedom, love, peace, and joy! May we serve you with these gifts to bring about your world and continue celebrating the mystery of your goodness. We praise you, our God and creator, and a Spirit of grace, forever and ever, Amen!


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