I know so many people who love to cook, and it is truly an extension of their personality. Not just “foodies,” cooking and being a chef for a night is part of their being. They truly enjoy nourishing and sustaining others with rich spices, fine drinks, and wonderful flavors that enhance an encounter of hospitality and graciousness. Amazing fare!
When we read and hear today’s readings again in the context of Christmastime fare, they give us a rich reminder of God’s love for us: cherish, beloved, chosen because God just can’t help being a great chef! God cooks up the great Son—the Word incarnate—who comes forward to give us the grand treat of revealing a God of absolute marvel: wholesome loving!
The Trinity keeps loving by having Christ feel pity and empathy and whips up, out of simple ingredients and the spices of unique personalities, fed masses, food multiplied. Feeding upon such great love, century after century, we have continued this recipe. But are we just too exhausted some days to realize the power of these simple ingredients and the love of all ages?
We are not left behind or scattered; we are satisfied, collected up in the joy and beauty of a community of faith that enhances, feeds, and nourishes us still. When exhausted, we realize we have another meal ahead. We are to be the simple cooks who share what we have and realize God’s loving will make a miracle with us again—and again.
It’s why we take the extra time to join the nations and peoples of the world to adore and glorify a God who continues to be the master of the “joy of cooking,” the grand dish of Eucharistic love.
Good and generous God, in your kindness and pity, you look upon a people hungering for love and care. Guide us this day to renew our efforts of gentle nourishing, blessing the gifts we have to multiply our service of love to others. Through Christ our Lord.