The word of God is a double-edged sword. Sometimes following Christ is easy; other times, it is truly difficult. Jesus expects much from those who follow Him.
So, ponder this….
Will there ever be a time when we will witness peace instead of brother against brother, sister against sister, mother against mother, religion against religion? Can we evolve into a society or a people where land is shared and judging and destroying cultures is unheard of? Can we arrest our right to violence when it is given approval??!!
Jesus lived among us during a time of turmoil and lack of morals and values to show us how we should be living with each other today. There are those who say Jesus doesn’t live now in our times. YES, HE DOES! Not only is the living Christ alive, but He is the only true witness to chaos, brutality, and hatred that some of us allow and condone.
We, as Catholic Christians, say we believe in Jesus, the resurrected Christ, and we celebrate Him yet continue to hold fast to the” that’s mine,” “you don’t deserve,” “you can’t have,” “we won’t share” mentality – even worse, the “I’m afraid.” If we truly believe that Jesus is alive, what is there to be afraid of?
The sharp side of the sword IS difficult to live by, especially when the choice to help someone comes only when he/she feels their attention is “deserved.” Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.” It is not our place to define who is a child of God and who is not.
Yes, Jesus does live, and in the end, it is our choice to imitate Him and follow Him or, by our own choice, die on the vine. Jesus IS our living example. Find your grace and share it, share all of it. The Eucharist reminds us that the cup and bowl will never go empty.
Dear Lord, give us the courage to follow you, to live by your example, and the compassion and empathy to share our graces with others without judgment.