2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Superstitions and beliefs abound regarding weddings. On the day of our wedding, the dresses were to be delivered to the church at 5:00 PM but ended up being delivered at 10:00 AM. The Sisters at the parish convent graciously held onto them. Their good deed was rewarded with an invitation to the wedding and reception, despite the superstition that seeing a nun or monk on the way to the wedding is bad luck!
Weddings celebrate the beginning of new relationships, filled with hopes and dreams of forging a covenant to last a lifetime. The first reading from Isaiah and the gospel from John use wedding imagery to illustrate God’s action through Zion and then through Jesus. In Isaiah, God forges a new relationship, referring to Zion as My Delight and their land as Espoused.
Today’s gospel tells of Jesus’ first miracle, changing water into wine. Two things stand out in the passage: the dialogue with his mother and the response of the servants. As parents or children, we have all experienced that moment of letting go. For Jesus and his mother, this was the moment. Did she know if Jesus was ready? Did Jesus challenge her? The answer is yes. Steadfast in her faith and trust in God the Father, she interceded instructing the servers to do whatever he tells you. Mary, the intercessor, always points us towards Jesus. The servers represent the work entailed in developing a relationship with Jesus. We must listen to what he is telling us to do. We must work at our prayer life, respond to the needs of others, especially those less fortunate, and work on our personal relationships, even the difficult ones.
What is Jesus asking of you today?
Let us Pray:
Blessed are you, Mary exalted Daughter of Sion! You are highly favored and full of grace, for the Spirit of God descended upon you. We magnify the Lord and rejoice with you for the gift of the Word made flesh, bread of life and cup of joy. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, our model of prayer on the Cenacle, pray for us that we may become what we receive, the body of Christ your son. Amen