Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red

Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red
Eymard stained glass window

Daily Eucharistic Reflections

January 20, 2025

There is much to be learned in today’s first reading. During our celebrations of Eucharist, when the readings or prayers mentioned Melchizedek, I often wondered about him. First appearing in Genesis, he is identified as the king of Salem, ancient Jerusalem. He was honored by Abraham as a priest of the Most High God. The order of Melchizedek means that once you are named the high priest, you remain the high priest forever. His name means “righteous king”. Not much more information can be found about him.

Today’s scripture defines and specifically tells us about the qualifications and role of a high priest. He must be selected from among human men because he would be their representative before God. He must offer gifts and sacrifices for sins, and Jesus’ whole life was one of giving of himself and his death to atone for our sins. The Hebrews began to make a case for Jesus as the high priest, as he was compassionate toward sinners and had experienced suffering and weakness himself. A high priest had to share in the experiences of the people who came to him. The main purpose of Jesus being identified as the high priest was because it takes an eternal high priest to bestow eternal salvation.

The reading assumes people were reluctant to come to God because they were ashamed of their weaknesses and sins. The Hebrews believed that avoiding God was the worst thing anyone could do. We must always go with confidence to Jesus, forever our high priest, who is always merciful and sympathetic. God wants us to draw near to him, to show our love and gratitude for his sacrifices. This relationship affects the very way we worship and the people we worship with.

In this new year, when we usually make resolutions, will we not strive to strengthen our relationship with God, with Jesus, and with the Holy Spirit? It’s never too late to begin again.

Let us pray:

Lord, teach us to appreciate anew what you have done for us. As High Priest, you gave yourself for our salvation. Because we may be ignorant and wayward, deal gently with us as we learn. Help us surrender ourselves entirely to you and walk in an intimate fellowship with you each day.


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We are a Catholic religious congregation of priests, deacons and brothers whose mission is to share the riches of God’s love manifested in the Eucharist.

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