The Gerasene demoniac’s healing embodies God’s mercy as he seeks out one of the lost sheep.
In today’s reading, Jesus steps out of his boat after calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee as if his only mission is to heal the man who was so ‘lost’ in sin that an entire legion of demons possessed him.
Imagine witnessing this firsthand- the Son of God stepping out of his vessel, and with His healing light and word, He destroys the darkness surrounding this lost soul while shattering the shackles of sin. This man is changed forever! Like this man, you and I would beg to remain with Jesus. Yet, as Jesus departs, He instructs the man to go back to his home and announce all that the Lord has done!
What seems peculiar in this reading is that the eyewitnesses were seized with fear and begged Jesus to leave as they struggled with the radical restoration of peace in this healed man. Sadly, they chose fear over faith in the presence of the miraculous.
Jesus promises this same mercy, peace, and healing today to each one of us.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation removes the shackles of our sin, freeing us to receive the Eucharistic Jesus. Each worthy reception restores the intimacy, peace, and love of God within. The love that begs to be shared. The “King of the Universe” steps out of His vessel and becomes living Bread so that you and I may be healed and restored. Once received, and just like today’s reading, Jesus sends us forth to carry this light to the world. Go forth to announce to everyone all that the Lord has done for you!
Jesus asks us today, just as he asked his first disciples in the storm. “Why are you afraid? Do you not yet have faith?”
Let us Pray:
Heavenly Father, thank you for the grace, healing, presence, and love in your Holy Sacraments. Help us to always live in your light and love so that we may never fear the darkest storms of this world as we long for eternal life to come in your heavenly Jerusalem. Amen.