Birthday of Saint Peter Julian Eymard
“Do not be afraid; just have faith.”
Jairus believed that Christ would heal his daughter.
It’s the belief of the woman who had suffered for twelve years.
It is the belief of the psalmist who knew that vows would be fulfilled and the praise of God would be accomplished.
It is the belief the author of Hebrews knew that we are surrounded by angels, Saints, and the Holy Spirit that unites in a bond of faith forever.
“Do not be afraid; just have faith.”
How often is this the message of scripture that we are not to be afraid? How often in our own life do we find ourselves reacting to any new idea with fear or worry because of the change that may have to happen? Are we honest enough to recognize this emotional response to fear?
This mantra should be turned into a rosary for us, where we repeat this phrase on beads that guide us in strengthening our courage and understanding that God will always guide us no matter what. It’s a mantra that we need to repeat to ourselves to take away the disease of fear that cripples so many of us. Now, while some do legitimately suffer from anxiety and distress disorders, many of us live by fear. It’s what gets us to buy products, elect civil leaders, and many other motivational ways.
As we remember our founder’s birthday and how he was motivated to see things through the Eucharist, our lens of thanksgiving reminds us, as it did him, to look to the blessings in our lives FIRST rather than fear. It is what faith-filled people do to seek out the Christ who removes death and disease, truly healing our infirmity of fear with trust.
Gentle God, the compassion of your Son recalls your care and removes all anxiety, restoring us to life. May we rid ourselves of the burdens and sins that hold us back from true healing so that we may reach our destination with the companions of witnesses who live with you and the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.