Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red

Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red

Catholic Schools Week at SPB / Province Associates Quarterly Meeting / Father Superior General and General Consultor to make their Canonical Visit to the USA

Catholic Schools Week at Saint Paschal Baylon Every Catholic Schools Week across the country interesting events celebrate the beauty of our formation in these hallmark schools. Saint Paschal Baylon, Highland Heights, celebrated with a few extra events, including Vocation Days. On Monday, January 26, the…PSR students were able to hear a panel representing the vocations […]

Father Norman Pelletier’s Retreat Presentation / Rule of Life Retreat Summary Document

Father Norman Pelletier’s Retreat Presentation Highland Heights, Ohio By Rosalie Lewis, Associate at Saint Paschal Baylon Parish On December 7, 2024, 25 Associates met for our annual NE Ohio Retreat. Our presenter, Father Norman Pelletier SSS, started the day at 12:30 PM with his first talk on the difference between reliquaries and monstrances. … We […]

Funeral Homily of Fr. Michael J Arkins SSS / FDLC Annual Liturgy Convention Report

Funeral Homily of Fr. Michael James Arkins SSS (1945–2024) by Father John Thomas Lane SSS, Provincial Superior and Pastor I met Father Michael Arkins at our Provincial Chapter in April 1988 in Burlingame, California. I was the first novice to ever get to go to a provincial chapter. … My novice master said, “Help this […]

Notes and Photos of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress in Quito, Ecuador

Highlights and Photos by Father John Thomas Lane SSS from the International Eucharistic Congress in Quito, Ecuador For the first time, the Sacramentinos Americas Conference (members from the three provinces of USA – Argentina/Brazil/Chilé – Colombia/Peru) gathered during the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress. The provincials, Father Carlos Sierra Rodriguez SSS (Colombia), Father Marcelo Silva SSS […]

The Eymardian Family Gathered at Various Times During of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress in Ecuador

The Eymardian Family gathered at different times together during the International Eucharistic Congress. Mona Grigsby-Suarez, Co-director of the Center for Eucharistic Evangelizing, Fathers Jaime Reyes, SSS and John Thomas Lane, SSS, Provincial from the United States, joined with the Brazilian and Argentinian SSS representatives (lay and priests). Later in the day, we joined together in […]