Manna Volume III - Hope in the Desert
The Manna Series
The Manna Series was conceived as a follow-up program for the ongoing formation of Life in the Eucharist teams and program graduates, as well as Associates of the Blessed Sacrament looking for ways to deepen their own eucharistic spirituality.
Available in three volumes:
I. Food for the Journey
II. Bread from Heaven
III. Hope in the Desert
Each volume contains twelve sessions to be used monthly over a year. Each session is divided into two parts: a catechetical section and a prayer/worship section.
Individuals can find Manna beneficial for personal reflection, meditation, or prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
Manna III covers the following themes:
Session #1 – Transformed with Jesus: Eucharist and the Jubilee
Session #2 – If We Endure with the LORD, We Shall Reign with the LORD:
Eucharist and Human Suffering
Session #3 – The Kingdom of God is at Hand: Eucharist and the Kingdom of God
Session #4 – To Share in the One Eternal Banquet: Eucharist and Solidarity
Session #5 – A Reflection on Native American Spirituality: Eucharist and Justice
Session #6 – Traveling with Jesus Christ: Eucharist and Accompaniment
Session #7 – Eating and Drinking Together in the LORD: The Eucharist and the Rite of Communion
Session #8 -Blessed Are You, Lord, God of All Creation: Eucharist and Blessing
Session #9 – Bread Which Earth Has Given & Human Hands Have Made: Eucharist and Work
Session #10 – Eucharist and Prophetic Action: Eucharist and Prophecy
Session #11 -Place, Gesture, Song & More: Eucharist & the Elements of Celebration
Session #12 – Remain United in Me & I Will Remain United to You: Eucharist and the Vineyard