Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red

Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red
Eymard In His Own Words

Letters From Saint Ann Shrine

Christmas 2023

Dear Friend of Saint Ann Shrine,

Jesus Came Once, He Remains Forever

This idyllic painting by Joseph Paelinck, a Belgian artist, is not a Nativity Scene as such, but it is associated with the spirit of Christmas and the family gatherings that make it such a unique feast day. This attractive painting brings the entire Holy Family together for a group photo, so to speak. We notice the proud radiant smile of the young mother Mary as she carefully balances the infant Jesus on her lap while grandma Ann plays with his little hand. Looking on approvingly is the strong and handsome father Joseph who is sharing a happy thought with the bearded grandpa Joachim as they survey the joyous scene playing out before them. All eyes are centered on the new baby whose winsome presence inaugurates the physical human face of God squarely positioned here on planet Earth for the first time ever. Jesus came once, he remains forever.

Nativity scenes will soon fill our churches and schools, our front lawns and homes, and even some public places. The vast majority of them as well as most religious cards will mainly show Mary and Joseph with Jesus, but few if any will include the grandparents, Ann and Joachim. Grandparents are an important influence in a child’s life and I, for one, like to think that Ann and Joachim provided needed support and love to Joseph and Mary as all of them, as extended family, contributed to the human and spiritual development of the young Jesus.

History does not tell us how long Ann and Joachim were around to help guide and influence Jesus during his passage from teen years, through young adult to manhood, but surely his  high moral character, his sensitivity to the poor, to women and children, his sense of justice and piety, his humility and courage, his attractive personality and other qualities that the mature Jesus would later manifest in his public life can be attributed in some degree, to the influence, not only of his parents, but of his grandparents as well.

Jesus came once, he remains forever. There was no way Saint Ann could know that her grandson Jesus, on the night of the Last Supper, would find a way to remain close to his people forever through the Mystery of the Eucharist, the source and summit of the Catholic Faith.

Here at Saint Ann Shrine, we celebrate Eucharist daily Monday thru Friday at 11:30am, and as grandma Ann nurtured the vocation of Jesus during his youth, so do we pray daily for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life for service to the Church, especially in the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament.

Devotion to Saint Ann and the Shrine devotions are part of the development arm of our Congregations’ Mission. We invite your prayer requests, Mass Intentions, and we pray for our donors at every Liturgy.  Jesus came once, he remains forever!


Wishing you a Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!


Father Roger Bourgeois, SSS

Saint Ann Shrine, Chaplain

Highland Heights, Ohio




*We have a new website! We invite you to check us out at and let us know what you think! We are using a new company, called WeShare, to process our on-line donations. Contact Scott Gongos at 440-449-2700 or if you have any suggestions or questions about our new website.


*We invite you and your group to join us at Saint Ann Shrine for Daily Mass at 11:30AM, Monday-Friday (call for Holy Days and Holidays).


*The Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament offers a daily devotion/reflection. If you’d like to receive this uplifting message, send an email to


*Your loved ones can be remembered during Mass at Saint Ann Shrine. Call 440-449-2700 for details.

*Our Blessed Sacrament religious in Bethany and at Regina Health Center pray for you daily. Please let us know of any special intentions you’d like us to remember. The Blessed Sacrament Community supports you in prayer and Eucharist. You can submit your prayer though our website and request a candle to be lit for your special intentions at

*We no longer have Blessed Oil available at Saint Ann Shrine. However, we do still have Holy Water available for a donation. Contact Saint Ann Shrine at 440-449-2700 or visit our website at


*Please ask your employer if they support a matching gift program and your donation may be doubled!


*We ask you to consider becoming a member of our Legacy Society by naming Saint Ann Shrine or the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament in your will. For more information, please contact Scott Gongos, Director of Mission Advancement, at 440-449-2700 or


*You may also consider donating gifts of stock. Depending on the stock’s current value, you may avoid capital gains tax or deduct the loss in value while donating the proceeds of the sale to the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament. Consult your financial advisor for the most advantageous opportunities for you.


*We support a ministry where we give all new Catholic babies born at our local hospital a bib from Saint Ann Shrine and the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament. If you are interested in supporting this ministry of ours, please contact Scott Gongos at 440-449-2700 or


*Please share your story of how the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament Community or Saint Ann Shrine has made an impact on your life! We would be so grateful to hear from you! You can reach me at or 440-449-2700.


*Be sure to “Like” St. Ann Shrine on Facebook!


* You may choose to make a secure, recurring monthly gift to Saint Ann Shrine or the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament. Please check the box on the reply slip and we can automatically process your credit card gift each month!


*If you are 70 ½ years of age or older, you can support Saint Ann Shrine or the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament through distributions from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Your IRA Charitable Rollover Gift may satisfy your annual required minimum distribution and reduce your taxable income. Consult your financial advisor for the most advantageous opportunities for you.


*The article below includes wonderful information and suggestions how you can support Saint Ann Shrine and the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament in ways that can benefit you and your philanthropic giving:


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