Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red

Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red
Eymard In His Own Words

Letters From Saint Ann Shrine

Mary’s Birthday 2023

Dear Friends of Saint Ann and her Shrine,

When God decided to send his only Son Jesus to earth as a human, he chose three special persons: Ann and her husband Joachim who would give birth to a daughter named Mary, who in turn would be mother to the Savior of the World. Mary, our tainted nature’s solitary boast says the poet William Wordsworth, was conceived immaculate through the married love and agency of her saintly parents. So as the Church celebrates the birthday of Mary on September 8th every year, we cannot fail to remember and be grateful for her parents who gave her life, and nurtured the values and wholeness that has characterized Mary’s popularity throughout the world. We also celebrate Grandparents Day on September 10th, keeping Saint Ann and Saint Joachim close to our hearts.

September 8th, the birthday of Mary, is also a kind of spiritual birthday for many of the priests and brothers in the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament because on that day we pronounced the vows of Religious Life, poverty, chastity and obedience, for the first time. We were now part of the consecrated life of the Church, and committed to help spread the knowledge and love of Jesus in the Eucharist to the world.

One of the ways we do this is through the fund-raising efforts of Saint Ann’s Shrine Mission Advancement Office. Amongst the many mission works at hand, these funds contribute to the education of present and future vocations to the Congregation and to presentations of the theology and devotional practices connected to the Eucharist, the central mystery of our Faith. Visit our new website,, to learn more about our mission work and Saint Ann Shrine!

As the Chaplain of Saint Ann’s Shrine in Cleveland, Ohio, a Liturgy or Mass is celebrated at 11:30 AM Monday – Friday. We pray daily for vocations, for the sick and dying, and for the special intentions of our donors and friends. Thank you for praying with us and for supporting our efforts with your generosity.

Yours in the Spirit of Good Saint Ann,


Father Roger Bourgeois, SSS




*We are happy to announce that we have a new website! We invite you to check us out at and let us know what you think! We are using a new company, called WeShare, to process our on-line donations. They are a secure and reputable company whom we look forward to working with. Contact Scott Gongos at 440-449-2700 or if you have any suggestions or questions about our new website.

*We invite you and your group to join us at Saint Ann’s Shrine for Daily Mass at 11:30AM, Monday-Friday (call for Holidays).

*The Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament offers a daily devotion/reflection. If you’d like to receive this uplifting message, send an email to

*Your loved ones can be remembered during Mass at Saint Ann’s Shrine. Call 440-449-2700 for details.

*Our Blessed Sacrament religious in Bethany and at Regina Health Center pray for you daily. Please let us know of any special intentions you’d like us to remember. The Blessed Sacrament Community supports you in prayer and Eucharist. You can submit your prayer though our website and request a candle to be lit for your special intentions at

*We have Blessed Oil and Holy Water available for a donation. Contact Saint Ann Shrine at 440-449-2700 or visit our website at

*If you are 70 ½ years of age or older, you can support Saint Ann’s Shrine or the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament through distributions from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Your IRA Charitable Rollover Gift may satisfy your annual required minimum distribution and reduce your taxable income. Consult your financial advisor for the most advantageous opportunities for you.

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