Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

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Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Province of Saint Ann

St Ann Crown red

Associates News

National Eucharistic Congress – July 2024

Reflections on the National Eucharistic Congress by priests and Associates of the Congregation:

Greg Dufour – Houston, Texas

After 18 months of eager anticipation since registering for the 10th National Eucharistic Congress, the moment finally came to unite with just over 50,000 Catholics nationwide. I went with an open mind, ready to encounter Jesus more deeply and be renewed and open to whatever the Lord had in store. It was a blessing to share this historic moment with Father Sekar SSS and the Associates in attendance. The week was incredibly inspiring, filled with joy, deep reverence, powerful healing, and profound unity.

Faye & Fred Baryol – Florida

We were so excited to go to Indianapolis, Indiana, with grand expectations of being inspired, set on fire for our Eucharistic Lord, and invigorated to share what we received… And we were NOT disappointed!

Fr. Gnanasekar PaulRaj SSS – Houston, Texas

May thy Eucharistic Kingdom come! I experienced that from July 17 to 20, 2024, in Indianapolis, Indiana. It was a real Eucharistic revival in my life! Nearly 50,000 people traveled to Indianapolis last week for the historic National Eucharistic Congress, the high point of the ongoing National Eucharistic Revival in the United States. SSS Priests and associates were als there for the Saturday procession through downtown…

Dr. Billy Stewart – San Antonio, Texas

What was profound to everyone during the 15-minute intervals on all four nights while in silent adoration of Our King in a football stadium almost to capacity. You could hear a pin drop. We did not hear a single cough, sneeze, or sound, not even a baby or toddler fussing or crying among 50,000. There was complete and total awe of God’s love through his Son’s eternal presence as we bathed in the Holy Spirit. Jesus is with us!!

Articles continue – Read more in Grapevine 2024-14 pdf