There’s a saying: we cannot regain lost time. But we can do more than what is ordered by law. “How beautiful is a soul captivated by the love of God, totally given to God. She says I don’t want to be satisfied with just the law; I want to do everything for God.” Saint Peter Julian Eymard, 1866
Concerning today’s Gospel, the above reflection from our holy founder seems to be the answer to finding our talents and using them for the glory of God. Our encounter with Christ, our intimacy with him, and the love we receive in His forgiveness of our sins manifests in us a return for all we have received. Falling in love with our Eucharistic life is the flame that fuels our service to Jesus, regained for all that has been lost, buried, and forgotten.
Today’s Gospel acclamation reminds us of the love we are called to give, “Alleluia, alleluia. I give you a new commandment: love one another as I have loved you.” Saint Peter Julian lived by saying, Tomorrow will be too late. In finding Jesus, we find ourselves and the gifts we have been given to share.
Let Us Pray:
Lord, we pray for the grace to live the advice Saint Peter Julian Eymard gave us: “Notice how the Virgin Mary did more than all the saints; in an instant, she did more than all the holy souls in their lifetime. Why? Because she practiced the perfection of love. This is the grace that I wish for you.” (Saint Peter Julian, 1866, to the Servants of the Blessed Sacrament)