We know who you are, the Son of God.! So did the evil spirits proclaim- darkness was blinded by the Light! Jesus told them to be still… yet three chapters later, in this same Gospel, we read about Jesus asking his disciples: Who do the people say that I am? Who do you say that I am? During Advent, we reflected on the centuries-old longing for a coming Savior. Through the Christmas season, we meditated on the appearance of the Son of God among us as little children. The feasts of Epiphany and Baptism in the Jordan opened up Jesus’ identity and mission beyond the chosen people to all people.
Today’s gospel summarizes Jesus’ ministry in a few phrases: He taught and healed the sick and exorcised the powers of darkness. Though he withdrew from the city, the crowds were drawn to him from everywhere. He was like a magnet. No one comes to me unless the Father draws him. People were drawn by their desire for healing and liberation. His identity and ministry will be recalled in greater detail during the Lenten season.
However, today’s reading from the Letter to the Hebrews takes us further. His priesthood is complete now, and he is seated at the right hand of the Father in his glory. He intercedes for us. Who do you say that I am? At eucharistic adoration, we come before Jesus, the eternal One, who is interceding for us. We join our prayer to His, now ready to proclaim His identity boldly. What holds us back?
Lord, you are the One who intercedes for us. The power of your presence and prayer draws us to you. Heavenly Father, draw us to Jesus, your Son, so that we may let his Light shine through us for your glory amid the spiritual darkness surrounding us.