Prayer for Married People
Saint Ann, help us understand the beauty and dignity of Christian marriage! May spouses above all, as well as the young, appreciate the greatness of the vocation to marriage according to God’s plan.
God has created man and woman with a natural inclination to unite in one flesh and to procreate children destined to live happily (Genesis 2, 24; 1, 28).
In this world, where so many have lost the notion of God and belittle the supernatural and even the natural values of life, do pray, Saint Ann, that spouses may find again the true way to love, happiness, and life.
Would that they were united in genuine affection and become day-by-day a more perfect sign of God’s love for humanity and of Christ’s love for the Church! Protect them against misunderstanding and separation! Make them responsible educators of their children!
Bless us, Saint Ann, bless all married persons, especially those who are facing serious problems.